
1. 化学品接触:珍珠饰品不应接触香水、油脂以及强酸、强碱等化学物质,否则会导致珍珠失去光泽和褪色。2. 日晒紫外线照射:珍珠不能长时间暴露在日光下,否则会导致珍珠表面发黄和褪色。3. 汗液接触:珠宝应经常保持清洁干燥,汗液中的化学成分会对珍珠造成伤害,珍珠的光泽?...


1. 化学品接触:珍珠饰品不应接触香水、油脂以及强酸、强碱等化学物质,否则会导致珍珠失去光泽和褪色。

2. 日晒紫外线照射:珍珠不能长时间暴露在日光下,否则会导致珍珠表面发黄和褪色。


3. 汗液接触:珠宝应经常保持清洁干燥,汗液中的化学成分会对珍珠造成伤害,珍珠的光泽感会受影响,时间久了会导致失去光泽和变暗。


1. 日常清洁:珠宝应该经常清洁,用干净的软布按摩珍珠表面,不要使用有化学成分的清洁剂。


2. 储存环境:珍珠应该放在干燥阴凉处,不要接触化学品,避免日光直射。

3. 佩戴和摘除:佩戴珍珠饰品时尽量避免与化学品接触,摘除珍珠饰品后用干净的柔软纱布或珍珠尘布轻轻擦拭,以保持珍珠的干净和光泽。






1. Analysis: Why do freshwater pearls lose their luster after wearing for a long time?


Freshwater pearls are organic gems that come from freshwater pearl mussels. They are mainly made of calcium carbonate mineral (aragonite) and are formed by a large number of small aragonite crystals. Unlike other gems, pearls do not have a hard and dense surface, and the aragonite crystals are easily affected by the external environment. Therefore, freshwater pearls may lose their luster after being worn for a long time, especially if they are not properly maintained.

2. Solution: How to rescue freshwater pearls and restore their luster?

(1) Soak in diluted acid solution: Put the pearl in a 1%-5% diluted hydrochloric acid or hydrogen peroxide solution for a while, and then rinse with water. This method can remove surface dirt and restore the pearl's luster.

(2) Use mild soap: Wet a soft cloth with water and add a few drops of mild soap, gently wipe the pearl, and then rinse with water. Be sure to pat it dry with a soft cloth.

(3) Avoid water: Do not clean pearls with water, which can enter the small holes in the pearl and be difficult to dry. It may also cause fermentation and discoloration in the pearl, and the pearl thread may turn green.

3. Answer:In summary, if your freshwater pearls have lost their luster after being worn for a long time, you can try soaking them in an acid solution or using a mild soap to clean them. Remember not to use water to clean them and keep them away from harsh chemicals. Pearl maintenance should also be done regularly to avoid problems in the first place. I hope this helps!



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