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是不是09年红牛 Lilou和Cloud BATTLE的第一首曲子?

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地址62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333236356536 :http://qmu.adu.cn/0/1/34445/36972/36973/36986.wma
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no daddy 歌手:teairra mari 专辑:roc-a-fella records presents teairra mar铆 [chorus:] i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya [verse 1:] been through so much in my life seen things in my life that i never thought i'd make it through had a few close calls in my life that could have ended my life but i'm here looking at you never thought that i'd be here i'm the type that don't give a damn about rules i was forced to survive on the streets make my own way to eat gotta do what i gotta do (best believe) [hook:] i know plenty of girls like me that done been through hell just like me keep what your mama teach ya don't let cheat or deceit defeat ya (girlfriend) and all my kickass girls like me that ain't ever afraid to speak next time that they try to treat ya like you a freak cuz you street and look good tell them [chorus:] i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya [verse 2:] no i don't strip in the club nor trick in the club but i got friends that do so my girls that's getting the dough the best way they know don't hate girl i got you even though it ain't me (i understand) that its real in these streets (i understand) when it comes to that rent, that whip that check, ain't nobody gonna protect your neck like you [hook:] i know plenty of girls like me that done been through hell just like me keep what your mama teach ya don't let cheat or deceit defeat ya (girlfriend) and all my kickass girls like me that ain't ever afraid to speak next time that they try to treat ya like you a freak cuz you street and look good tell them [chorus:] i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya [bridge:] all, all my girls from a broken home when you're feeling all alone and you feel you can't go on (call me) all, all my girls from a broken home when you're feeling all alone and you feel you can't go on (call me) [hook:] i know plenty of girls like me that done been through hell just like me keep what your mama teach ya don't let cheat or deceit defeat ya (girlfriend) and all my kickass girls like me that ain't ever afraid to speak next time that they try to treat ya like you a freak cuz you street and look good tell them [chorus:] i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya i had no daddy around when i was growing up (huh) that's why i'm wild and i don't give a (huh) ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, i would give it up don't let my cute face fool ya参考资料:
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1996年,Jay-Z录制并发行了自己的第一张个人专辑,同时也是Roc-A-Fella唱片公司的第一张专辑《Reasonable doubt》,这张发行自东西海岸说唱音乐争斗最残酷时期的帮匪说唱专辑非常令人惊奇,多首单曲成为排行榜主打,到了如今他也被公认是Jay-Z在上个世纪最杰出的专辑,同时也成为了帮匪说唱专辑的经典作品。《Reasonable Doubt》的初获成功也为Jay-Z的下一张专辑以及Roc-A-Fella唱片公司的发展开了一个好头。1997年,Jay-Z的第二张专辑《In My Lifetime, Vol. 1》发行,富有商业头脑的Jay-Z在这张专辑中为了吸引更多的听众以及扩大他的知名度和唱片公司的影响力,把专辑的音乐风格从偏激的帮匪说唱转变为了更加易于各方面听众接受的流行说唱,同时在专辑中邀请了包括吹牛老爹Sean "Puffy" Combs在内的多位大牌歌星助阵,而这些措施效果显著,不仅拥有多首单曲打榜,而且这张专辑的销量也迅速超过了《Reasonable Doubt》,杀进了Billboard 200排行榜的前三名,Jay-Z已经成为了一名一流的说唱歌星。 1998年9月29日,Jay-Z的第三张个人专辑《Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life》正式发行,这张纯粹的流行音乐专辑的14首单曲中近半数成为排行榜热门,其中的一些在现在已经成为了Jay-Z的标志性作品,比如《Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)》,Jay-Z借此更进一步的扩大了自己的领地,同时这张专辑也在发行后成为了Billboard 200排行榜的冠军,这也是Jay-Z第一张冠军专辑,已经完全转变成为了流行说唱歌手的Jay-Z在1998年度第41届格莱美颁奖典礼上获得了到目前为止他个人唯一的一尊格莱美奖杯,专辑《Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life》获得了年度最佳说唱专辑大奖(Best Rap Album),Jay-Z成为了被各方面都认可的最顶尖的说唱明星。

1999年,Jay-Z发行了第四张个人专辑,这张专辑是依旧讲述自己的故事的《Vol. 3: Life and Times of S. Carter》。此时的Jay-Z已经普遍的采用和其他歌星合作演唱的方式来表演歌曲,这张专辑中几乎每一首歌都是由Jay-Z和其他歌星共同演唱的,在商业上也依旧保持着自己的辉煌,而这种大面积和其他歌星合作的做法也使Roc-A-Fella唱片公司渐渐成为了说唱工业的一个重要的组成部分。2000 年,Jay-Z发行了第五张个人专辑《Dynasty Roc la Familia》,除了唱片本身依旧保持着很高的商业成绩以外,已经在业界名声鹊起的Roc-A-Fella唱片公司开始在这张专辑中逐渐的推出自己公司的一些新人来和Jay-Z一起演唱歌曲。也许是因为确实缺乏大牌歌星的加盟,因此在销量上比以往出现了一些下降。不过在这张专辑里,Jay-Z开始和一些超级音乐制作人展开合作,比如大名鼎鼎的the Neptunes和Kayne West等,这在一定程度上也为Jay-Z在制作人方向的发展期了一定的推动作用。

2001年9月18日,Jay-Z在新世纪最优秀的专辑《The Blueprint》正式发行,这张专辑中颇有些令人以外的没有邀请大牌明星参与演唱,只是和Eminem一起演唱了《Renagade》,这张专辑也成为了自首张专辑《Reasonable Doubt》之后,最为Jay-Z个人化的作品,因此也被认为是Jay-Z自《Reasonable Doubt》之后最经典的专辑。巨大的销量和影响以及专辑中的多首优秀单曲使这张专辑更强有力的巩固了Jay-Z在说唱乐坛的地位,Jay-Z与吹牛老爹 Sean "Puffy" Combs等人一起成为了说唱工业的代表性人物。但是这张专辑中的一些单曲引起了些麻烦,由于在此前演唱会中Jay-Z利用一些单曲进行了针对其他歌手的讽刺而引起了旷日持久的口水战,并且一直延续到了专辑发行之后的很长时间。但是在这之后Jay-Z又开始了和其他歌手的合作,他首先与the Roots合作在2001年稍晚的时候发行了MTV台的不插电现场专辑《Unplugged》又与另一名说唱歌星R. Kelly在2002年联合发行了专辑《Best of Both Worlds》。 2002年,Jay-Z发行了与其他明星合作的双CD专辑《The Blueprint? The Gift & the Curse》,以及在2003年上半年发行这张专辑的单CD版本《Blueprint 2.1》虽然这两张专辑作为2001年的《The Blueprint》的续集作品在商业上依旧是相当的火爆,并且在其中仍然包括了相当大量的明星,但是在歌迷和评论家眼中他们却都没有达到《The Blueprint》的高度。2003年11月14日,Jay-Z发行了号称是最后一张专辑的第十张专辑《The Black Album》。 说这张专辑是Jay-Z音乐生涯的最后一张个人专辑你信么?可是唱片宣传的时候确实是这么说的,但是不论怎样,这样的噱头让这张专辑在发行短短四天之后就卖出了46万3千张,成为了Jay-Z的第六张冠军专辑,这一销量甚至比他的经典专辑《The Blueprint》在2001年9月份的成绩还要高出一点,不过对于Jay-Z这样的说唱歌手来说,即便没有这样的宣传也照样会卖出这样的成绩出来。 假如这真是Jay-Z的最后一张专辑的话,那么对于歌迷来说也完全没有什么遗憾了,因为这的确是一张非常出色的专辑。在这张专辑中,Jay-Z没有邀请任何其他歌手与他合作,所以,从专辑的制作角度来讲,这张专辑比《The Blueprint》甚至还要能体现出Jay-Z的个人风格。虽然没有大牌歌星合唱,但是却拥有超豪华的制作阵容,单曲的几名制作人分别是 Timbaland,Eminem,The Neptunes,Kanye West,Just Blaze这些声名显赫的金牌制作人。 音乐方面,整张专辑都营造出了告别的氛围,《December 4th》是Jay-Z献给他的母亲的歌曲,把这首深情的单曲作为专辑的第一支单曲,不免会让人有所联想,这可能的确是Jay-Z的告别专辑了,而更让人体会深刻的则是在《Moment of Clarity》中,Jay-Z居然回忆了他的父亲,并且在单曲最后还表示出了原谅已经去世的父亲的想法,这足以让人深陷到这张专辑的告别氛围中去,值得一提的是《Moment of Clarity》的制作人和混音是和Jay-Z有着相似经历的Eminem。整张专辑的最后一首歌名字是“My 1st Song(我的第一首歌)”,看到他就会让人莫名的产生出一中离别时的伤感。这张专辑也许不是Jay-Z最经典的专辑,但也绝对是前三位的,以这张专辑作为Jay-Z的谢幕大作也足以答谢歌迷了,不过可能绝大多数的歌迷都在等待Jay-Z的加演曲目。

In My Lifetime,Vol.1
Vol.2, Hard Knock Life
Vol.3,Life and Times of S Carter
Dynasty - Roc La Familia
The Blueprint
The Blueprint 2 - The.Gift.And.The.Curse
Blueprint 2.1
Chapter One - Greatest Hits
The Black Album
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Tu diras que estoy loco 西班牙慢摇
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1、FELLA 是来自澳洲的泳衣品牌,同样主打极简纯色款。

2、Roc-A-Fella是一家由JAY-Z创办的唱片公司。他把自己的唱片公司依附于Def Jam公司(当时还叫做Priority Records)的旗下,也就是说DEF JAM是母公司,而ROC-A-FELLA是DEF JAM的子公司唱片公司。

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